Ep 34: Second Hand Video Gaming


Join Larissa and Hadas in our Common Room!

second hand video gaming

Topical Dish: Emma Watson, Prince Harry, and Star Wars
Recent entertainment news reported that… Harry Potter became a prince, married Hermione and starred in the popular Muggle space opera Star Wars Ep IV.

Main Discussion: For Larissa’s first ever Culture Club episode she recommended we discuss RPG (role playing game) Video Games by watching tutorials, walkthroughs, or prerecorded streams on YouTube. Check here for more info and listen to our conversation!

lets play youtube livestream role playing game

ObsessionsThe Great British Sewing Bee and 90s Movies
Throwbacks! Larissa is OBSESSED with yet another British reality show and Hadas misses her old VHS tapes.

Time Stamps:
Topical Dish: 00:01:16
Main Discussion: 00:05:00
Obsessions: 00:49:03

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