February Reading Challenge Update

Hiya Readers! Lindsey Here!

book reviews fairytales folklore
Now that you finished reading through Mel’s awesome quiz I will let you know I got mostly Ds. I will most likely end up dead!! Ahhh! But it looks like I will have fun doing it.

I am making some progress in the Fairytale Challenge. I just finished Enchantment by Orson Scott Card and will be sharing my review shortly. This is my third time reading his retelling of Sleeping Beauty and I keep falling more in love with the novel. It was brilliant. Spoiler Alert: My review is positive.


My second book is Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. This retelling is loosely based off of the Brother’s Grimm Fairytale, The Six Swans. I loved adaptations of this story when I was young. The Wild Swans was one of my favorite versions and I swooned over the illustrations by Susan Jeffers.

I have only just started Chapter Two, but I am super excited to see what happens next. Chapter One laid groundwork for the story and introduced the main characters so now I can start to get into the meat of the retelling.

What Retelling Are YOU Enjoying?
book review reading challenge

