Blogging as Therapy with #MilitaryBrats Megan Gotch + Jamila Rowser


Sometime in 2015, I realized that some of the leaders of the large lady nerd communities I was part of were self-proclaimed military brats. I invited them on the episode and the conversation went in a direction I couldn’t have predicted!

jamila rowser megan gotch

Megan Gotch aka The Nerdy Girlie and Jamila Rowser co-founder of Geek Girl Brunch joined me to talk about what military brat-hood was like. Whether they were exposed to other cultures and how. How being an MB helped them create their websites and communities, and help them help themselves.

Self-Proclaimed Military Brats

While Jamila did travel around the world often and never had roots in any one place, Megan traveled often within California and the US. Each experience had its similarities, benefits, and discomforts. As they were constantly meeting new people on a regular basis, they began to be comfortable doing so, and when the internet became more and more accessible, making friends through the web was second nature.

The Internet to the Rescue

In addition to the ease of the internet, finally, both ladies could create one static place for all their friends to be. As they were constantly moving, they had friends, but never the same set at the same time. Yet online you never have to be in the same location to create a friendship.

(Related: Our episode about internet communities!)

Blogging as Therapy

If you are a blogger, podcaster, vlogger, or creator of any kind, you may really enjoy where our conversation went. Many of the readers of this site are hobbyists who are doing what they do because they love and not because it’s their job/for money. We discuss our choices in how we set up our sites, what we write about, how often, and why. We also talk about how blogging as therapy helps us and other simultaneously, for barely any money too! :)

See more from Megan Gotch:

megan gotch

megan gotch blogging as therapy

The Nerdy Girlie (Megan’s blog about life, SDCC, and fandom), Female Geek Bloggers (a supportive community for female bloggers Megan started), Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

(Related: See our Fandom Friday posts which were prompted by The Nerdy Girlie herself!)

See more from Jamila Rowser:

jamila rowser

blogging as therapy

Geek Girl Brunch (where women can hang out IRL), Girl Gone Geek (Jamila’s nerdy site), Straight Outta Gotham (Jamila’s tumblr blog displaying geekery found in hip hop lyrics), Lovers Brock (a more personal tumblr blog), Twitter, and Instagram.

Listen in and leave us a comment below!

