TV Couples: The Best & The Worst

My least favorite TV couples:

Damon and Elena (The Vampire Diaries)


Where to begin? I know so many people love this couple, but realistically, Damon has played a hand in killing or attempting to kill many people that Elena cares about, often ignoring her feelings and desires in order to “protect” her. He attempted to kill her brother several times, he sexually abused her best friend Caroline, he killed a friend of hers from school…Elena might make Damon want to be a better person, but he has proven that this desire is temporary and only as a means to be with her. Meanwhile, his influences on Elena are not positive. He makes her more reckless and forgetful, he distracts her from things that are more important, he plays mind games with the people she cares about. They may have chemistry, but sometimes, chemistry is not enough. (I think some people like them together simply because they are more interesting than when Elena is with Stefan, but I’d prefer to see Elena done with the Salvatore brothers and move on to someone entirely new.)

Kurt and Blaine (Glee)

gleeThis will likely be another controversial choice because they are one of very few gay couples on TV and their coming together was so sweet. But the reality of life is that most high school sweethearts do not remain together forever and as Kurt and Blaine move on to the adult world and put McKinley behind them, it has become increasingly clear that although they are each other’s first loves, perhaps they are not meant to be each other’s final loves. They have been fighting for a long time now and the tension has only increased since Blaine moved out to New York. He crowded Kurt to the point where Kurt was desperate for time apart and then tried to make Kurt fat because he was feeling insecure about himself. None of these things speak to a healthy relationship.

Aria and Ezra (Pretty Little Liars)


Clearly, I love to hate fan favorite couples but there are so many issues I have with this relationship. For starters, the second he found out she was a student of his, and an underage one at that, he should have broken things off and told her that they had to wait until she graduated. No matter what his feelings were, if he truly cared about her, he would have waited. Now add to that the fact that we discover that he has been lying to her all along–he actually knew who she was when they first met and that he dated Allison, yet another underage girl, and you begin to realize he is a creep. No matter what his motivations, he used her. To me, this pairing tells teenage girls to accept being treated in a way that they shouldn’t and glamorizes inappropriate teacher-student relationships.

Well TV watchers, now that I’ve given you my top and bottom 3 TV couples, who do you think deserves to be on the list?

