Glee: The Good, The Bad, & The Weird

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The Weird-

I think everyone can agree that Glee has taken the show in some wild (and definitely unnecessary) directions. For some reason, these kids have a penchant for hallucinations and other weirdness:

  1. When they kept seeing the club members as toddlers.
  2. When they saw the club members as puppets.
  3. When they hallucinated about Britney Spears while at the dentist.
  4. When Tina, Sam, and Blaine arbitrarily decided that Artie could not celebrate being a senior with them and the show acted like the audience should know why–not the same weirdness as the hallucinating but so out of nowhere and unexplained.
  5. The sudden appearance and disappearance of glee club members as needed to allow them to compete (which they at least call themselves out on it several times. “Unlike some members of the glee club that come and go for months at a time without explanation, you two losers are always around” – Sue Sylvester).
  6. When Kitty made Marley think she was gaining weight at an inhuman rate by making her skirt smaller. (What?)
  7. When Finn believe he impregnated Quinn via hot tub. (Boy may be dumb but…wouldn’t you at least look that up online?)

What do you think Glee fans? What are your biggest pet peeves, favorite story-lines, and greatest “I’m-sorry-but-what-the-what” moments?

