If You Like…Witches


True Blood- The introduction of witches onto True Blood was not particularly effective or necessary, but the show seemed to decide at some point that it wanted to add as many supernatural types as possible. Witches must have seemed as good a choice as any other option. I would recommend watching the show, but not if the reason you’re watching is to see great spells and epic witch battles.

Witches of East End– Now if you want epic witch battles, Lifetime’s Witches of East End, which is wrapping up its second season, is the series for you. As the series progresses you see both the ties of family, the layers of mystery and deceit, and the huntings of something much, much bigger going on. Each of the women on this series stand strong and interesting, with unique personalities and quirks. If anything, the show could stand to differentiate its male characters more.

Eastwick– This short-lived series based on John Updike’s Witches of East End felt like a poor attempt at replicating the Charmed…charm. (Sorry, that really is the best word there.) It may have been geared at a slightly older audience, but it didn’t quite capture the power of what a show with a strong center of female leads could be. Charmed‘s strength was in the way its characters were strong while still leaning on each other. This show never quite got there because it was so focused on the external factors.

Bewitched– If you don’t know this show, shame on you. That’s all I’m going to say about it.

American Horror Story: Coven– I never watched any other seasons of AHS, but the promise of a witch-centric story drew my attention. While I don’t think it lived up to the title of the show (it wasn’t that horror-inducing…maybe I’m too desensitized or have too high a threshold for grossness?), I still enjoyed this roller coaster ride that could not seem to decide whom it wanted the audience to root for. In 13 episodes, the characters changed more than most characters do over several years. While sometimes the show felt like it was going off the deep end and no one who died seemed able to stay dead (that’s what happens when characters have the magical ability to raise the dead), this was a lot of fun.

Being Human– Like so many other vampire shows, this show (which had UK and US versions, both distinct, both excellent in quality) felt the need to expand beyond the initial supernaturals set up in the premise. And what fun this premise was–a ghost, a werewolf, and a vampire are roommates. It sounds like a campy comedy, but the show managed to make the characters very human and very relatable. Which is good, because once witchcraft came into play, things got a little crazy.

Camelot- This was Merlin for the older crowd essentially. It was a fairly terrible show where the most interesting moments always came from evil witch Morgan Le Fey. Eva Green really is captivating on screen.

Well, how’s that list looking to you? Anything I missed? Anything you’re dying to see?
Let me know in the comments.

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