Best and Worst Character Transformations


Bonnie (The Vampire Diaries)-

bonnieWhere Caroline has become one of my favorite characters on TV, Bonnie has become one of my least favorite. When The Vampire Diaries started, Bonnie was just discovering that she was a witch, she played an integral part in every plot line. Now, she’s sort of an extraneous member of the crew, no longer a witch, no longer all that important. Granted, there seems to be some set up to make her part of an important storyline, but even before she lost her magic, she had ceased being a favorite character. She went from powerful to the tool being used and tricked by everyone else. I no longer find myself rooting for her, but mostly find myself thinking I would have preferred she simply died rather than becoming the anchor. (Especially since, as the anchor, she should have known that Katherine wasn’t dead. Worst. Anchor. Ever.)

Quinn (Scandal)-

quinnNot many people change as thoroughly as Quinn on Scandal and in a lot of ways you can hardly be surprised by the changes, or even blame her. She’s been lied to and tricked by the people she most trusted (Pope & Associates), she’s been unwillingly caught up in a massive, history-changing conspiracy that almost led to her death, was tricked into killing someone and then blackmailed to betray those closest to her, and, more recently, she was brutally tortured by someone she had come to trust and maybe even love. So it is not hard to imagine that she might be somewhat of a crazy person, stuck in a very dark place. However, her change almost seems too extreme, too far from the person she once was. Maybe if they every so often showed hints of the old, sweeter Quinn, it would feel more genuine. Maybe I just don’t like who she has become. I miss the Quinn of old, desperate to prove herself and learn how to be a gladiator.

Tina (Glee)-

tina#GoHomeTina. I already talked a bit about my utter dislike of Tina on Glee When we first met her, Tina had very little confidence. She dressed like a goth, she rarely spoke, she offered to give up her solos for Rachel, she faked a stutter. She was, admittedly, a bit pathetic, but she had some great moments. Her relationship with Artie was sweet. It was exciting to learn more about her and see her break out of her shell. But then the writers of Glee decided that a prerequisite for being in the New Directions was being an utter diva, whether deserving or not. And Tina quickly went from sweet and shy to an outspoken crazy person who thinks rubbing her gay crush with vapor rub is appropriate. She spends more time talking about her entitlement than proving that she deserves any of the things she demands. It appears that she won’t be on the show much longer, so at least we don’t have to suffer her self-centeredness for much longer.

What do you think readers? Who are the most changed characters on television? Which character changes do you like and who do you wish had just stayed the same?

