Sugar Cookies


This week we tried our hands at Sugar Cookies using a recipe from cookie cutter maker extraordinaire Warped Zone.

Sugar Cookies


Expertise: Advanced. Love cookies. Once made 150 sugar cookies with my sister when our parents were out of town, so I’ve had years of experience.
Ease: Hardest part was finding a place IRL that sold cookie cutters in shapes that weren’t circles. I failed at that.
Customizing: Didn’t use the yogurt. Didn’t replace it either because everything seemed to work well.
Repeatability: They were super moist when I first made them, which isn’t my favorite thing in cookies. Then, they got really crispy, which I preferred. But sugar cookies are so sweet! I don’t think I’m built for that much sugar. Probably won’t make them again, but you never know.





Expertise: When it comes to biscuits, I’m advanced. These were super basic.
Ease: Can’t get much easier.
Customizing: I cut down on the sugar and instead of using simple vanilla essence I used butter vanilla essence. Yum!
Repeatability: To be honest, the biscuits themselves are a little bland. Next time I will use a little more Cinnamon to spice it up. They’re a great recipe to have in your back pocket if you need to decorate some biscuits. I ran out of time to ice this lot before the episode though. :-(

Adipose 1

Expertise: Intermediate
Ease: Not bad, but ingredients can be annoying.
Customizing: I didn’t customize at all. Maybe a bit of cinnamon.
Repeatability: To be honest, I didn’t love these. They were dairy which is limiting for me and they were a bit heavy and hard. Maybe I did something wrong? Love my cookie cutters though!

nutrition food health dietMelissa’s Nutritional Tidbit: Sugar cookies are the bomb! Their sweet goodness cheers everyone and anyone up! I have always believed in the good of every food, whether “healthy” or “unhealthy.” It’s just all about moderation. Life is too short to truly deprive yourself of the sweet concoctions man has made for us consumers. I say have the cookie, but just stick to one or two. If your self-control doesn’t allow that, make mini snack bags of 1-2 cookies and let yourself just have one bag every once in a while. You can also hide them on a top shelf, making it harder to get and eat.


