Kubaneh Yemenite Bread


Our F3 this week was (mostly) Yemenite themed. Hadas introduced the group to an authentic Yemenite bread that is traditionally eaten on Shabbat (Saturday) morning. Here are two different recipes and a video to see how the Kubaneh looks during the process. Recipe 1, Recipe 2,

This video is in Hebrew with only French subtitles, but you can just fast forward through to get an idea.

Expertise: Noob!
Ease: More time consuming than hard necessarily.
Customizing: None at all. We probably play with the measurements, but nothing is customized in a drastic way.
Repeatability: Every once in a while we have Kubaneh at home. It’s a staple!


Kubaneh Yemenite Bread Hadas


Expertise: intermediate baker
Ease: I always feel like I am horrible at the kneading
Customizing: No customizing this time. I did eat it with hardboiled eggs like suggested in the recipe. I think next time I would like to bake it with sugar and cinnamon
Repeatability: Because it takes so long to bake, I don’t think it will be making it often. But I do want to try it like a monkey bread recipe. Very tasty though!

Kubaneh Charee


Expertise: Beginner to Intermediate
Ease: Not difficult, but it takes a very long time to bake
Customizing: I used Recipe 1. I didn’t change any ingredients, but I had to use a different kind of pot than the recipe called for and I think it caused mine to bake slightly faster. I decided to check on it at the 3 hour point and it was ready to come out of the oven even without being flipped.
Repeatability: It tasted really good, but I don’t think I’ll be making it again. It takes too long to bake.

kubaneh bread

nutrition food health dietMelissa’s Nutritional Tidbit: This Kubaneh Yemenite bread looks very special and very tasty.This bread is foreign to most, with its strange name and different shape. However, It’s important to expand our culinary repertoires once in a while. The global cultures that inhabit our world provide us with an infinite amounts of foods to try and culinary lessons to learn. We should open our eyes,noses, and mouths to the sights, smells, and tastes all around us and around the world! These new cultural experiences can change our perceptions on how we see the world and even ourselves. It can change how we cook and broaden our horizons to what’s really out there!

