Jamie Oliver’s Fruit Crumble

Sophie’s Jamie Oliver love inspired our Customizable Cooking choice for F3: Episode 6 as we used his recipe for Fruit Crumble!
See how we made Jamie Oliver’s fruit crumble our own!



Expertise: Intermediate
Ease: So, so easy.
Customizing: I love fruit crumbles and the many different ways you can make and serve them. They are a classic Australian (and British) dessert and as such, every family has their own take on it. I’ve made this recipe before and always found it delicious (I recommend making it as Jamie suggests first because if you’re a fan of ginger it’s truly scrumptious) but for this particular episode I’ve heavily customised the recipe because the crowd I was cooking for included people that didn’t want Ginger or flour. Instead of the Ginger I used Cinnamon which went nicely with one of my other changes – a split between Pears and Apples. This happened because I ran out of Pear but had some Apples on hand. I think it was much nicer for having the two different but subtle flavours as the base. For the crumble instead of flour I used rolled oats, desiccated coconut, ground almonds, brown sugar and cinnamon. Even though it’s the middle of a very hot summer where I live and this is a winter dessert, I had seconds (one served with vanilla ice cream, the other with custard) and didn’t regret it for a second.
Repeatability: I have Crumble almost once a week during Winter time so it’s safe to say that when that rolls around, I will be making this again for sure.


Expertise: Noob
Ease: So hard!
Customizing: Oh man did I customize. I couldn’t find the ginger stem and I don’t know whether I like pears. So I decided to make this an apple crumble. The thing is, reading how to make the crumble part made me feel really guilty knowing I’d be eating sugary butter bits so I ditched it. Guess I made apple cake. I’m so disappointed in myself (but the apple cake was delish).
Repeatability: I don’t like to fail so I will probably try to conquer this another time with all the ingredients and I will find out if I like pears!


nutrition food health dietMelissa’s Nutritional Tidbit: I do love a good fruit crumble! My mouth is salivating just looking as these pictures-yummm! If you want a splurge, I would say to create this delicious crumble in all its glory but have a small slice, as it’s made of butter and sugar. If you would like to tweak it a bit nutritionally, then I would try the following changes.
I would halve or quarter the sugar, as the fruit provides sufficient sweetness to this delicious dessert.
Also, try to substitute butter for margarine. There is constant debate on whether margarine is healthier than butter. Answer? Yes and no. Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains NO CHOLESTEROL. It also contains good fats, like MUFAs and PUFA (lingo for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats). However, some margarines contain trans fats, the worst fat of them all. The more solid the margarine is, the more trans fat it has. Try to look for margarines without trans fat. Trans fat can block up arteries, lower your good cholesterol (HDL), and increase your risk for heart disease.

