#Fandom5: Top Fictional Characters I Relate to the Most

For this Fandom Five (hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick, I am looking at my top five fictional characters that I relate to the most (which was prompted by SoMelificent).


This was actually harder than I thought it would be. I have several favorites, but when I thought about it, I didn’t completely relate with them. So, this took quite a bit of brainstorming, but I finally came up with a few.Narnia Frankenstein Kill Bill

 1. Jim Nightshade (Something Wicked This Way Comes)

I love Something Wicked This Way Comes; it’s one of my favorite Ray Bradbury books. I relate a lot with one of the two main characters Jim Nightshade. He is dark and doesn’t always seem to pay attention to his friends or those who care for him. He is often lost in his own thoughts, but he is always wondering just what he can do to improve and make things better for everyone. He does care, but people don’t really realize just how much he does. I can definitely relate to this.

2. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)

Ok, I might not have created life from death and then ran away from the fiend I created, but I can relate to the passion, dedication, and obsession that Frankenstein shows. When there is something I want to do, something I want to experiment with, etc. I will dedicate all of my energy to it, which often means other things like health, mental health, and friendships kind of fall by the wayside. I’ve gotten quite a bit better at not doing this, but when the occasion strikes, I can still be quite the obsessed individual.

Fandom Five Friday

3. Aravis Tarkheena (Narnia: The Horse and His Boy)

The Horse and His Boy is one of my favorites from The Chronicles of Narnia, and I love Aravis. Have you read it? If so, can you guess how I relate to her? Yep, she is yet another character who gets something in her mind, obsesses over it, and breezes past others, even if she cares for them. Seriously, a dedicated character that works towards their goals will always make it into someone I relate to. Another way I relate to her is that I can be snooty towards people I am not sure of. But once you get to know me, I am caring and will do anything to help the person I care for.

4. Lyra Silvertongue (His Dark Materials)

Lyra is a dedicated person, and once she has made a friend and decided they are worth her time, she sticks by their side. I am an incredibly loyal person, and the fierce side of Lyra’s loyalty is similar to mine. If need be, I’d go into the wild North, across ice deserts and defy death at various times if it meant I would be saving a friend. I also have a weird mix of trusting/not-trusting and sometimes end up, just like Lyra, trusting the wrong people. 

Fandom Five Friday

5. O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)

O-Ren worked hard to become the leader she is and avenge the deaths of her parents. Don’t worry, my parents are still alive so I haven’t had to go kill anyone, but I do relate to a lot of O-Ren’s personality traits. Again, she is driven, she works hard for what she wants, and she attains her “dreams.” Also, you don’t mess with her unless you’re seeking revenge for a death she caused.

Fandom Five Friday

Well, there are some of the fictional characters I relate to!

Who Do YOU Relate To? I’d love to know.

